Anna Louise Darden paints in (Soft) Pastel, Acrylic, and Mixed Media in an abstract expressionist style. She is known for her colorful and inventive collages. She briefly studied with Judy Allen of Yerington and Kathy Hammill of Carson City but is mostly self-taught through experimentation.
She also creates realistic animal and landscape paintings. Darden accepts commissions for animal portraits.
Statement of the Artist: About 20 years ago I began painting, thanks to the coaxing, and support of my family, starting with Oils, trying Pastels and Watercolors, and Acrylics. I am currently having fun with Pastels and acrylics and mixed media work. I am trying Acrylics applied with a palette knife in an effort to develop a looser style that I like. I am constantly trying new ideas and learning from my mistakes and my successes. My love of Nature leads me to paint pictures of animals and landscapes, however, I also enjoy painting women and am recently having fun trying abstract and collage renderings.
Creating a piece of art is always like putting some of your self into the picture and usually is enjoyable but sometimes maybe a bit of frustration also, before the work is finalized. I am continually working and learning. I believe the purpose of life is to be happy and to achieve happiness you must follow your bliss.
I am a Member of Nevada Artist Association, and the Show Committee Chairman and a member of the Tahoe Art League. I have received ribbons for many of my works in judged shows locally. I have work on exhibit in the Brewery Arts Gallery, Carson City, Java Joes, Carson City, Western Nevada Community College, Douglas County, Fast Frame Gallery, Minden, the Caterpillar Lounge and at times in the City Cafe Bakery, Carson City. At Lake Tahoe in the Snow Flake Gallery, and Passaretti's Restaurant.