Renee |
Little true story . . . Last week - First big snowstorm here in Nevada. I was happily painting my kitchen listening to loud music. Music stopped. I hear "Help. Help me." Went to the back door - heard it faintly. Went to the front door - heard it louder. It was my next door neighbor. Since I use canes and a back brace (fractured vertabrae). I called 911. I clomped through foot high snow to see if I could help anyway. My neighbor had been shoveling snow and fallen. He was still on his knees clinging to the front of his car. He said he had been calling for help for 30 to 45 minutes. I am so thankful I heard him. Within about 10 minutes firefighters came and helped him. I keep thinking about the odds and decided to make a "gift" for all the homes in my manufactured home park - a note and a whistle. You can as well. It just might save someone's life! 1. Just click on the 4"x6" photo image below - order (Walgreens.com often has half-price sale) 2. Order whistles online. I searched "cheap whistles". Spend whatever you can afford. 3. Put one 4"x6" "postcard" and a whistle in a small plastic bag. 4. Distribute to your neighbors.
I'm also taking some to the senior center.