About Ekleberry & Contact Information
Kathy Ekleberry Schmick & Renee Ekleberry |
This photo was taken in 1992 as my sister Kathy was finishing up treatment for breast cancer - NOW - Kathy is on-call 24/7 for Notary Public signings in central Florida.
I (Renee) am painting and writing every day and finishing up school - Graphics Communications and Fine Arts. We provide free pink ribbon artwork to women who are dealing with breast cancer. You can sign up for free art on this site.
We provide prints of "Spread a Little Sunshine" to hospitals, churches, hospices, infusion centers, suicide prevention offices and women's clinics. See "Art for Good Causes"
THANK YOU to all those who have generously donated to this little project!
Hearts, Renee
Kathy Ekleberry Schmick PO Box 241 Elfers, FL 34680 Business: 727.569.8149 FAX: 727.375.3213 keschmick@aol.com
WeddingHeartArt.com Fine Art Paintings & Photography
24/7 Mobile Notary Services Wedding Services Florida Service Area Pasco County New Port Richey
| J. Renee Ekleberry PO Box 1376 Minden, NV 89423 775-782-1124 ekleberry1115@yahoo.com
Fine Art Paintings & Photography
Graphic Design
Art Classes & Seminars
Why I started painting Pink Ribbon Art In August 1992, my sister Kathy was diagnosed with breast cancer. Hurricane Andrew had damaged her home and all the "Ekleberry girls" pitched in to help rebuild so she could move back home. I am an artist and drove from California to Florida to help. I painted an angel holding a pink ribbon to remind her how much we were all pulling for her. She went through surgery and chemotherapy and has been totally cancer free since!
In addition to that first angel, there are more paintings with Pink Ribbons to remind women one of the ways to stay healthy is to have check-ups, health exams, and mammograms.
In 2010, Kathy and I started a program to distribute Pink Ribbon Artworks to women. Proceeds from the sale of prints are used to give (FREE) cheerful artworks to those in breast cancer support groups and to any woman who requests a print. There is no charge or donation required to receive free artwork from my little project. To order free artwork CLICK HERE.
We also provide artworks to hospitals, influsion centers, medical clinics, doctors' offices, suicide prevention organizations, and others. I paint lots more artworks than Pink Ribbon. If you want to see more of my artworks keep scrolling down the home page and click on the category you want to see and it will open that "gallery" for you. Click on the image and it will enlarge. All of my art can be ordered as prints. Call me at 775-782-1124 if you have any questions. Hearts, Renee
J. Renee Ekleberry
Artist ~ Instructor ~ Poet ~ Art Exhibit and Carson Valley Open Studio Art Tour Coordinator
When I was quite young, my rodeo riding, hard-drinking yacht captain father gave me paints to keep me out of his magical workshop while he invented things - radar - remote control - exciting electrical stuff. So I headed off in a totally different creative direction.
I paint in watercolor, acrylic and oils, create collages, hand-pull etching prints and mono prints on canvas and paper, sketch and draw in pencil, pen and ink, and computer. After many years of producing artwork, I am still searching for a style, but not too hard. I simply learn what I can, create art, sell it or give it away, organize individual art exhibits and encourage my art students to create from the heart.
Amazingly enough, I am computer literate and worked for over twenty years managing graphics departments at Atari Computer, ASK Computer, Apple Computer and Computer Curriculum Corporation producing packaging and manuals in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Japanese. No, I don't speak any of these languages - except possibly a smatering of English. I do, however, know people who do and that is what counts. In 1990, after the death of three of my closest friends on Earth, I exited the Technosilicon Highway and headed for the Sierras to pursue fine art, writing, and attacking foliage fulltime - do you have any idea how quickly star-thistle actually grows??? I do.
So here I am. Making a living off the internet. Twenty years ago we sat around in the conference room talking about this glorious day when we could sell our wares to Botswana from our dining room table in Nevada. I design direct mail postcards and websites from the computer in my bedroom (the Marketing Department), print out my art from the computer and printer in my living room (the production department), pack it all up in the dining room (the shipping department) and have tossed the washer and dryer to make a studio in the (former) laundry room. I see my wonderful grandsons, daughter and son-in-law every few days and paint and write and work as a certified framer when I have to. (Gas, utilities and food, you know. . . )
It's so grand!
Thank you for supporting my art! I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate it!
Hearts, Renee