I create designs to help Democrats because I believe Democracy DOES matter and that it is vital for Democrats to win in order to keep the U.S. from becoming a third world nation governed by immoral leaders. Republicans do not vote to help 99% of American citizens. They help the top 1% to get richer. If you're a billionaire, Trump's your guy.
I live on Social Security. Started college to get degree in Graphic Design at age 58 and still owe lots of student loan $$$ - even though I am now 77!
If you can afford to donate it is very much appreciated.
Thank you,
FREE CRA ~ Designed by me/Copyright FREE! CRA - Camera Ready Art to print 11"x17" Window/Rally Signs/Posters 1. Click on poster image to enlarge. 2. Right-Click 3. Download to desktop. 3. Print on 11x17 cardstock. 4. Take to rallies and/or post. Print a few extras to give away - at local office supply about a buck each. Frame in 11x17 frame (Michael's) and give to local Democratic Headquarters. ALSO - To make postcards - You can print 4 up on 8.5x11 cardstock - cut apart and send postcards to friends and family (anonymously, if necessary) and your Senators and Reps in the House.
FREE Camera Ready Art for 11x14 poster |
11"x14" POSTER COPYRIGHT-FREE Designed by Ekleberry
11" x 14" POSTER FREE CRA (Camera Ready Art) to print a poster.
1. Click on image. 2. Download. 3. Print a few or many on paper or canvas
( OFTEN has 50%-60% OFF regular price sale.)
If you print on paper, the print will fit into an 11x14 frame.
I create designs that are free to download and print. They are copyright-free when used as is.
If you would like to support my (small) effort to educate voters regarding the danger of being apathetic and NOT paying attention to the outcome of the local, state and federal elections.
Thank you for your generosity.
| If you want to help, will you please donate? I use all donations to encourage voters to vote for Democrats. I am not blind. I know not every elected Democrat is wonderful and always votes in your best interests - but, at this point, many elected Republicans are 100% focused on helping giant corporations/billionaires decrease taxes and regulations.
. . . OR download the camera ready art and print your own - any quantity. Designed by Ekleberry ~ COPYRIGHT-FREE!!!
| COPYRIGHT-FREE POSTCARDS Designed by Ekleberry
POSTCARDS - FREE CRA (Camera Ready Art) to print postcards to mail to friends and family.
1. Click on full page (8.5"x11" 4-up) image. 2. Download 3. Print a few or many on cardstock (either at home or local stationery store)
4. Cut each sheet into 4 postcards
5. Address and mail to friends & family (anonmyously, if necessary).
Young voters must vote Democrat to help preserve the earth for their future!
11x17 CRA for Printing |
17"x11" Camera Ready Art |
11"x17" Camera Ready Art |