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Why does YOUR GOP* Representative in the House and GOP Senator Report to Grover Norquist? *GOP - Greedy Obstructionist Plutocrats Plutocracy (from Ancient Greek ploutos, meaning "wealth", and kratos, meaning "power, rule") is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth.
Every vote for EVERY Republican is a vote for Grover Norquist who has vowed to "starve the beast" - the U.S. government. No "Farm bill" - blocked by Republicans in Congress. Milk at $7.00 a gallon? Simple solution to overpopulation of poor people; BONUS: farm bill also includes "food stamps" for poor people. Starving the government means starving children, the poor and farmers into bankruptcy. Really, you WANT food and milk to become a luxury only the rich can afford? Apparently, Norquisters in Congress want exactly that. Otherwise, they would ACT to pass the farm bill in the House to help farmers and the poor - to EAT!. GOP101: Let the culling begin. Those 235 GOP reps in the House and 41 GOP Senators in Congress who signed their brains (and quite obviously their hearts) over to Norquist NEED to be replaced with actual American human beings. That is the job of American voters for the next few election cycles. Please forward the list to all who are eligible to vote. These Norquisters in Congress need to go. With a little education of voters and some effort we can get them all out by 2020. LIST of 235 GOP Reps and 41 GOP Senator Norquisters in Congress who need to be replaced.
WhoisGroverNorquist? Notice in the following videos that Norquist never mentions that he is also the founder of the Islamic Free Market Institute with his Palestianian Muslim wife; an organization that was founded with money from CONVICTED terrorists. Ask yourself "why?"
http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7419360nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snBM-aQlHpk&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdYx19temU8&feature=youtu.be
Most voters have no idea that every vote for every Republican in the House and the Senate is a vote for Grover Norquist, the founder of the Islamic Free Market Institute.
WHY ON EARTH do 235 U.S. House of Representatives members and 41 GOP-TP U.S. Senators pledge their allegiance to Grover Norquist - NOT YOU, the constituents who elected them and pay them $174,000 a year +benefits +retirement???
These Congressmen need to go home and live with the laws they have enacted (or failed to enact).
If you want to help educate American voters, please consider a financial contribution. Republicans in Congress should be able to represent their consituents and vote their conscience WITHOUT Grover Norquist threatening their seat in Congress.
Taxpayers pay me $223,500 a year (plus retirement & benefits) to do - well, NOTHING. |
My one and only job is to make Obama look like a fool 'cause voters are too ignorant to figure that out. |
ALL the GOP-TP knuckleheads in Congress report to ME or they are HISTORY - not current events. |
The ONE and ONLY way that the rich will ever be taxed, Social Security and Medicare will be saved from "privatization" is with a Democratic supermajority (filibuster-proof) in the House, Senate and White House
VOTE Democrat: Local - State - Federal - President OBAMA!
Print out the list of those in Congress (and most Republican candidates) who signed a pledge of alliegance to Grover Norquist and NOT YOU - the American citizens. Norquist is the founder of the Americans for Tax Reform AND founder of the Islamic Free Market Institute with his lovely Muslim-born Palestian wife Samah Alrayyes with $$$ from convicted terrorists.