"Today's Rant" - Scroll Down to Yak Back . . . BOOKMARK THIS PAGE by J. R. Ekleberry Feel free to copy and send to your friends & non/friends who need to think. Sometimes, I rant more than once - so sue me.
11-26-2012 Norquist bashing is this week's GOP talking point. DO NOT BELIEVE IT FOR ONE SECOND! It is the all-new-improved-GOP-way to DESTROY Social Security, Medicare, student loans, etc while sounding contrite. They signed and lived by Norquist's pledge for over twenty years. GOP Congress member's obstruction for the past 4 years is criminal and should be investigated and prosecuted. THEY ALL* NEED TO BE REMOVED from CONGRESS* and replaced with people who do not sign pledges to ANYONE except the constituents who elect them and pay their salaries!!! It will only take 6 years to fix Congress. Every 2 years we get a chance to clean out the entire House and 1/3 of the Senate. 2014 - UNELECT Senator Mitch McConnell - the leader of the "Do Nothing Except Obstruct - Who Cares About US Citizens!" crowd. http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/summary.php?cid=n00003389 * REMOVE THE 235 GOP Representatives in the House and 41 GOP Senators who report to Norquist.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/12/grover-norquist_n_2116219.html?ref=topbar November 12, 2012 - Huffington Post Headline: Grover Norquist: Obama Won Because He Called Romney A 'Poopy Head' said the man who has NEVER RUN FOR ANY OFFICE and yet RUNS the GOP side of Congress and the GOP governors. GOPs might want to run candidates who actually represent the people who ELECT them and PAY them AND do NOT sign pledges to the man who founded the Islamic Free Market Institute in addition to the Americans for Tax Reform. The list of the 235 GOP members of the House and the 41 GOP Senators who signed his pledge and report to Grover Norquist and NOT their constituents is at: http://prosperity4allofus.com/ GOP "Norquisters" in Congress are the one and ONLY reason the mega-wealthy will not see one penny increase in their taxes - while the middle class and poor take the full hit.
Huffington Post Question: Why do rich white men hate women? What is so funny is that those (for now) rich white guys will be kicking themselves in the britches in a few years if Romney gets elected (thanks to THEM). They will be trying to figure out how on earth they can 1. support their parents (when SocSecurity gets privatized), 2. pay cash for their parent's medical needs (w/o Medicare), 3. pay for their parents nursing home care (w/o Medicaid) 4. put their OWN kids through college (w/o Pell grants and student loans), 5. save for their own retirement and 6. pay for their own medical costs (and pray THEY don't get sick because their insurance company will be allowed to DUMP them - it's called the free market - they can be FREE of YOU whenever they want to w/o ObamaCare) - They will be doing this ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Those old rich white guys are going to wish they had a time machine and could go back to 2012 and VOTE for President Obama - even if he is kinda darkish. Get smart early - VOTE President Obama and ALL Dems across the ballot TODAY or as soon as you can!
October 22, 2012 DEBATE ITEM Iran wants to talk - no, they don't - yes they do - no, they don't
Obama should just answer "national security" on most questions and clam it up.
Then Obama can remind people how he was cracking jokes at the press dinner the night the Bavy seals were flying across the globe to knock off bin Laden. Then just keep on saying "National security, Can't talk about it."
Let Romney do all the talking in the spirit of "give a man enough rope . . .".
Romney and Ryan already have Russia, Syria, Iran, and Palestine on the WAR list.
Romney has SEVENTEEN of Bush's foreign advisers on his staff RIGHT NOW - the same people who LIED to us during the Bush years and sent over 5300 of our children to their DEATHS in Iraq and Afghanistan - goodness only knows how many injured and suicides.
Oh yeah, and our troops are spread incredibly thin right now. For all those who are chomping at the bit for Romney and Ryan to take over - please explain to your children and grandchildren what the DRAFT is and how it works.
Maybe tell them how to avoid it like Romney did - he spent the Vietnam years in France as a minister. Hmmmmm.
Funny - none of Romney's five boys have anything to do with the military. . . .
Keep America safe and focused on PEACE - not WAR - VOTE for President Obama.
and another thing. . . So - 235 GOP-TP Reps in the House and 41 GOP-TP Senators have pledged allegiance to the FOUNDER of the Islamic Free Market Institute - Grover Norquist - and VOTE the way he tells them to vote (or he has them replaced with those who WILL). Strike 1 - Osama bin Laden attacks the financial center of the United States Srike 2 - Bush II shoots the entire U.S. emergency "$avings" account (the $urplus) out in a money cannon aimed at the mega-wealthy, Big Oil and Big Corporations and DEPLETES our back-up $$$. INCREASES deficit immeasurably with UNFUNDED and unnecessary wars. Strike 3 - Get the White House & Congress by ANY MEANS POSSIBLE) back under total GOP-TP control to finish off America. BE PATRIOTIC - If you love your family more than you love your party you will HELP the United States, vote Democrat to GET RID of the GOP-TP members of Congress who report to Grover Norquist and NOT YOU! The printable LIST is available at: http://prosperity4allofus.com/Response from a reader - Hate is a powerful narcotic evidently. They are so filled with it, they are voting against their own best interests. Instead of the best person for the job, they're choosing a man who has heartlessly made money by selling jobs right out from under the average American employee. A man who hides money in foreign banks - money that helps foreign countries' economy where the money is stashed, a man who lies as easily as he breathes. A man who refuses to reveal his tax returns - none of this is unsettling to them - it's all about how he looks and not his substance. By the way, the conservative media or propagandists say Romney won the debate, no one won, Romney showed himself to be the unqualified and unfit candidate that he is. I don't care if republicans enjoy riding the Titanic, the rest of us don't want to go down with them!
October 12, 2012 Romney's $$$uperPACSSS are dumping a ton of ads the last three weeks to derail Obama The GOP has tried to derail President Obama since THE DAY HE WAS INAUGURATED. He steps over them and continues to do what's possible (without Republican cooperation) to HELP the middle class. Imagine where we would be right now had the Republicans in Congress NOT decided to act like eight grade bullies and stonewall EVERYTHING to help the U.S. economy lest President Obama look effective. Here's the funny kicker - THEY could have shared a LOT of the credit since most of Obama's accomplishments were right out of conservative think-tanks (RomneyCare was a prototype for the next Republican president - too bad Obama got there first.) Had they cooperated with - instead of OBSTRUCT - for the last four years they would have had a much better chance of winning 2012. As it is now, they may even lose Congress - both Senate and House - Their ratings are 8% approval. If I had a job and got an 8% approval from my boss, my stuff would all be in bags inside my desk ready to go at a moment's notice. Moment's notice for the GOP-TP slackers & bullies : November 6, 2012.
October 12, 2012 OBABA"S NEXT DEBATE Obama needs to start his debate with "The reason I was quiet last time was because I was speechless when Romney kept interrupting, bullying, lying and flip-flop-flipback-flopagin" on virtually all his policies - those that come out of his mouth and those posted on his website. Maybe he drank the first cup of coffee of his life and just couldn't handle the caffeine. Even his campaign was twittering back his comments DURING the debate. DOES ANYONE know where Romney stands on ANYTHING? If you do, please send me an e-mail."
October 10, 2012 NORQUIST IS RUNNING YOUR COUNTRY There are 235 GOP-TP Reps in the House and 41 GOP-TP U.S. Senators who REPORT to Grover Norquist and NOT YOU - even though YOU TAXPAYERS pay their annual salary of $174,000 PLUS benefits (medical, dental, etc) AND RETIREMENT! If they do not vote as directed by Norquist, they are forceed out of office and replaced with tea-bag GOPs who WILL vote as Norquist demands. Who IS Grover Norquist? - Most voters do not know. He is the founder of Americans for Tax Reform who got those GOP-TP members of Congress (and MANY state legislators) all to sign his NO TAXES EVER pledge. HE IS ALSO THE FOUNDER of the ISLAMIC FREE MARKET INSTITUTE with $$$ from CONVICTED terrorists. He founded this with his lovely Palestinian Muslim wife, Samah. To those who are going to vote for Romney or ANY Republican - ask yourself honestly - Do you really want Grover Norquist and his wife running YOUR country??? Norquist said that the only thing the GOP needs is a president with "working digits (fingers)" who can sign the bills that are placed before him. AND HE IS spending a FORTUNE to get Romney elected - and MANY GOP-TP state officials. To print out the list of Norquist Signers: http://prosperity4allofus.com/ These GOP-TP members of Congress need to go HOME and live with the laws that Norquist demanded of them. SAVE YOUR COUNTRY - even if you think you h8 Democrats. Vote Democrat across the board. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!
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October 10, 2012 PBS IS the ONLY pre-school available for many, many middle class and poor American children - especially in rural communities. PBS is probably the ONLY educational television that many people ever see.
If your goal is an uneducated populace that will happily work for peanuts and no benefits, you have to start the process 20 years ahead of the curve.
Of course, the GOP wants to knock off low cost and free QUALITY public education in ALL forms.
People need to wake up and LISTEN to what GOP-TP candidates say (jobs-jobs-jobs) and then compare it to what they do (cut-cut-cut the middle class off at the knees.)
Free artwork for bumper stickers: Keep Big Bird. Ditch Romney. http://prosperity4allofus.com/
Vote OBAMA and Democrats across the ballot - local - state - federal - President Obama.
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October 5, 2012 Imagine . . . Imagine how great the economy would be today had the Republicans in Congress NOT met on Day #1 of Obama's presidency setting up their treasonous plan. Imagine how great the U.S. economy would be TODAY if GOP-TPs in Congress actually BELIEVED in AMERICA and AMERICANS instead of spending all their time and energy trying to make it look like President Obama "failed". They even voted to block their OWN good ideas which, now, they can't even take credit for proposing! Under Obama's "failed" leadership: Private Job growth for the last 40 months. Unemployment down. And that's WITH Republicans blocking all the way, all the time. If Democrats win the House, Senate and White House, we should clear all of Bush's mess out in the next 4 years. There will be NO time wasted this go-round believing that Republicans have any love for the middle class - or for AMERICA. Why else would they continue to send jobs and their money off-shore? Voters need to stop aiming at their own feet and start aiming at the PROBLEMS. Kick out every GOP-TP member of Congress so we can move FORWARD. Register NOW VOTE OBAMA 2012 Vote Democrat across the ticket!
Print out the list of the GOP-TP 235 Reps in the House and 41 GOP-TP Senators in Congress who report to Grover Norquist and his lovely Palestinian Muslim wife Samah and DITCH THEM: Printable List of Norquist Signers - Click Here
October 4, 2012 - After the First Debate
If President Obama had acted in the same bullying way that Romney acted during the debate the ONLY thing that anyone would hear this morning and the next five weeks is "ANGRY BLACK MAN". Obama assumes that voters are smart and speaks to them in that respectful way. Romney assumes voters are totally ignorant and will believe any l-i-E or fli p-f lo p that he dishes out. Some are that dense. Many are not and do not appreciate being lyed to. Once again, President Obama goes for class and Romney goes for flash. Smart voters know that President Obama is best for our country. YESTERDAY my middle aged niece was informed that she had topped out her insurance for her cancer treatments. Voters MUST put themselves in her shoes and understand that ObamaCare MUST stand. Republicans have had 100 years to fix healthcare and have not done so. They want to "privatize" Social Security and send vouchers to older folks on Medicare that will NOT buy them health insurance unless they are the picture of health. Repubicans want to make Medicaid a state program. When YOUR state is in bankruptcy, who do YOU think will get dumped - the mega-wealthy or those in nursing homes? Don't be reeled in by flash and hype. VOTE OBAMA even if you THINK you despize him. Seriously, YOUR life - and that of YOUR FAMILY - may depend on it.
September 29, 2012 - HuffPost - with over 30 responses! My daughter just landed the best, highest paying job of her life. I started teaching last week as a result of going back to school with Pell grants and loans (thanx President Obama!). I am over 60. My oldest grandson is still on his parent's health insurance and going to college with a few scholarships and grants (and lots of parents' money) My sister who had breast cancer cannot be denied coverage from her insurance company. Neither can my three nieces who are being treated for cancer. They are all young and their insurance companies cannot just deny them coverage because they "topped out" their life-time cap. My other niece's two children are being helped by Social Security (as was Paul Ryan) because their father died when they were still in elementary school and my niece is a single mother school-teacher. I would say we are much better off than 4 years ago. A Romney presidency carries nothing but grief for me and my family. OBAMA 2012
September 23, 2012 Today Paul Ryan says he will end ObamaCare on Day #1 - My rant: On "Day #1" - January 21, 2013 - Paul Ryan will be sitting in a coffee shop down the street from the post office (that he helped name - in one of his two pieces of federal legislation) in his hometown of Janesville. Ryan will be licking his wounds from, not only losing the VP bid but also from losing his seat in the House because he did NOTHING to help the constituents who elected him and pay him $174,000 a year - plus benefits - plus retirement to HELP them. Instead of helping his constituents, Ryan voted time after time, in lockstep with his obstructionists Republican and Tea Party cronies to block all jobs bills, block tax equity for b/millionaires, and anything else that would have aided the U.S. economy. Ryan's (and all the GOP-TP) obstinance and obstructionism was designed to make President Obama look bad. It didn't; instead it made them look bad (because it is the truth). All voters are much smarter than the GOP-TPs in Congress have given them credit for. The obstructionists will ALL lose their jobs in the next few elections. The GOP-TP members of Congress have all crapped in their own nest. Good job, Paul; Republicans can now move in with their leader - Grover Norquist - and start Plan B
September 15, 2012 Headline / Huffington Post article: Bryan Fischer: 'If Barack Obama Wins This Election, The Republican Party As We Know It Is Finished' The Republican party was finished the night of President Obama's Inaugeration when Republicans got together to lick their wounds and decided that revenge for losing was more important to them than helping their constituents to claw their way back from the disaster that George Bush had bestowed on the United States. Republicans voted against everything INCLUDING the things that they formerly backed (and which were GOOD for American citizens) like equal pay for equal work, like ObamaCare (which amazingly came from REPUBLICAN think-tanks just a few years prior to Obama adopting it - why do YOU think that RomneyCare was being "tested" in Massachusetts), like providing help to farmers who grow our FOOD for goodness sakes, etc. Republicans would be riding high right now and taking credit for all the things that President Obama finally accomplished and the U.S. would be in much better shape. Instead they are acting like attack dogs who are cornered. THAT group-think GOP-TP decision in January 2009 to obstruct Congress is what provided the fatal wound to the GOP. It's just taken it 4 years for the GOP to croak.
08-21-2012 - Romney and Ryan have already proven that their respect for the truth ends at their campaign door - so they will SAY whatever they say to get unsmart people to vote Republican. I just know that if my mother and father had NOT had Social Security and Medicare, I WOULD HAVE GONE BROKE trying to help them and MY child would never have seen the inside of a college - because I could not have afforded to take care of my parents AND my child. Protecting Social Security AND Medicare AND Medicaid is IMPORTANT to ALL citizens whether they are currently covered or will be covered in the future. Republicans FOUGHT against Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid from the moment that Democrats introduced these safety net programs into Congress. Now GOP-TPs think they can get ignorant voters to buy their plan. VOTE Democrat across all ballots - local - state - federal - House - Senate - President Obama! Do NOT allow 37 old white male billionaires tell YOU what to think or how to vote.
08-17-2012 - When Republican voters start to wake up - HOPEFULLY, BEFORE the November election - Paul Ryan's numbers will continue their downward slide to oblivion. When real Christians find out about his worship of Ayn Rand and her philosophies - they will abandon Ryan in DROVES - especially Catholics. Until last April (when Ryan started his ascent to the Vice President slot on Romney's ticket) Paul Ryan repeatedly stated that his motivation to get into politics and his HEROINE was Ayn Rand - a Russian ATHEIST who's philosophy was 1) being selfish was the ONLY road to happiness and that 2) altruism was e-v-i-l. Did I hear a few Republican voters wake up, yet? - nope - that was just truth and reality whizzing past their heads - like usual. http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/14/opinion/weiss-ryan-rand/index.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/15/paul-ryan-ayn-rand-candidate-books_n_1782935.html
8-16-2012 - Any woman who is thinking about voting Romney/Paul needs to have her head examined to figure out why she is willing to throw her OWN self under the bus (along with her daughters, sisters, aunties, mom, female friends - and the men who might ever want to be sexual with them and not risk becoming a parent). Romney wants to cancel ObamaCare - when his OWN wife will not be able to keep insurance because of her past history with breast cancer / her current diagnosis of MS. - http://www.ask.com/wiki/Ann_Romney - . Thank goodness they have enough $$$ to get Ann whatever care she needs. What about other women who were not so lucky to have married money??? Ryan is the author of the FEDERAL proposal to declare fertilized cell mass a "person". That would prohibit most forms of hormonal birth control and would outlaw invitro fertilization because several eggs are "harvested", then fertilized with sperm outside either "parent" and then implanted into the mother. The rest (defective egg/cells ) are destroyed. ACCORDING TO the law RYAN proposed in Congress, Those egg/cell masses ARE PERSONS, too, my friend. Two of Romney's sons' wives have successfully produced children using this method. WHAT IS GOING ON? Romney's and Ryan's extreme positions of what should and should not happen to women is VERY frightening. ANY woman thinking of voting for Romney/Ryan should make the appointment to have her head examined NOW while she still has health insurance.